
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism", "Liberty on Life Support" and "U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy," "Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later" are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Under the Great Reset

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Under the Great ResetLike millions of others, you have possibly wondered why healthy people must be quarantined (40 days) for months (9 so far) against the Corona virus, be locked down globally, wearing a mandatory mask at all times against the threat of public shaming by their neighbors and total strangers for being selfish humans, pay fines, even do jail time for the good of the collective, and be told non-stop about the "new normal" and that life will "never" go back again to pre-Covid-19, it will be fundamentally altered, using a master plan designed by globalist elites who want to control the planet at all costs.
- Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Hard-Cheated Pyrrhic Victory and a Mute Wedding

As I watched millions of well-fed, educated Americans dancing in the streets, cheering, and gloating over their hard-cheated pyrrhic presidential win to install the much-desired socialism, touted in the press and academia, all I could think about was the 100 millions of people who had lived and died under a socialist dictatorship ruled by the Communist Party and other millions who risked their lives to flee such a socialist society.
- Sunday, November 22, 2020

Believing the Big Lie of Socialism and Living It

Believing the Big Lie of Socialism and Living ItThe date of November 3, 2020 will remain in history as the year when our Constitutional Republic died, and a government ruled by technocrat billionaires and a corrupt globalist government was installed. A narrow majority of Americans brainwashed daily by a globalist mainstream media, finally elected to the White House a declared socialist and a radical Marxist.
- Thursday, November 19, 2020

A Dishwasher, Hiding Food, and a Bamboo Stick

Our Economy on SocialismDependency on a tyrannical communist state is hard to shake even decades after that state had ceased to exist as a tyranny. People were so used to being told what to do at every step of their lives that they even waited for the government agents to come into small communities to shovel snow off their village streets. Some call it laziness--but it is more insidious than that.
- Sunday, November 8, 2020

Gold and Silver Coins Stored as Bullion in India During Roman Times

Gold and Silver Coins Stored as Bullion in India During Roman TimesGold and silver have a tremendous store of value and portability and it can increase value over time; a small amount can purchase anything during any period. Paper currency, on the other hand, can fall victim to corrupt governments, the lack of faith in them, and the disastrous monetary policy governments engage in such as printing money continuously, causing runaway inflation. Gold and silver prices have fluctuated in the upward direction lately, responding to the economic uncertainty, the out-of-control printing of money to defray the economic losses due to the unnecessary and panicked COVID-19 lockdowns around the world, and the political instability and violence in the U.S. ginned up by the radical left for the last four years.
- Wednesday, November 4, 2020

2020: A Painful Year in the U.S. History

2020:  A Painful Year in the U.S. History2020 is the year when we were willingly held hostage and still are to the communist flu. I am not talking about the Chinese Corona-19 virus developed in the Wuhan laboratory. I am talking about the long and unending months of unnecessary lockdowns, destruction of small business America, complete transformation of our school system, public and university, the destruction of our stellar health care, and the complete obliteration of our Constitution.
- Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Waiting for Socialism’s Utopia in Ritzy Upper Scale DC Suburbs

Waiting for Socialism’s Utopia in Ritzy Upper Scale DC SuburbsMy Washington, D.C., suburban neighborhood is populated with mostly brainwashed Americans. In political parlance, they are the “blues” of our nation. But they are not the blue Democrats of your grandfather’s political party, they are the highjacked radical socialist party that wants to transform America into the third world socialist hellhole so many immigrants, legal and illegal, have fled from.
- Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Children Adapt--but What a Worrisome Adaptation

Children Adapt--but What a Worrisome AdaptationNot long ago liberals were telling us that children were spending too much time in front of television screens, computer screens, and Play station games, that they need more outdoor time, interaction time with other children to build their social skills, that they need to learn to be good environmentalists and stewards of the world around them. Those blue screens were affecting their health, destroying their eyes, their vision, and the ability to socialize properly.
- Friday, October 23, 2020

Free Socialist Stuff or Capitalist Goods

Free Socialist Stuff or Capitalist GoodsI was cooking breakfast this morning and as the smell of oven-baked bacon wafted through the house, memories flooded in from my childhood spent with my grandparents in the country. As a child, I did not realize at the time how much hard work they were putting in every day to keep their family alive in the socialist economy disastrously run by the Communist Party.
- Monday, October 5, 2020

Life, Politics, and Circling the Swamp

Life, Politics, and Circling the SwampMany Americans I know say that they are not interested in politics at all, they despise it, they just want to live their lives in peace and prosperity and care for their families. Like the proverbial ostrich hiding its head in the sand, they hope that they will be safe, while their bodies and necks are fully exposed to the elements. Hiding in the shifting sand, “protected” by bureaucrats and political hacks who only have their own interests in mind, is a dangerous proposition.
- Friday, October 2, 2020

America’s Sacred Freedom of Speech on Life Support

America’s Sacred Freedom of Speech on Life SupportIf you are a conservative, your sacred freedom of speech is on life support. The tech billionaires in control of various social platforms have become the Soviet-style post office headquarters. My friend Dr. Mircea and I, when we lived for twenty years behind the Iron Curtain, we had all our personal correspondence crudely opened, read, resealed, or confiscated by special KGB commissars, well trained to destroy freedom of speech and to silence any opposition to the communist regime.
- Monday, September 7, 2020

America Stands in the Way of Global Governance

America Stands in the Way of Global Governance"Socialism is a system in which, as a matter of principle, the economic affairs of society belong to the public and not to the private sphere." – Joseph Schumpeter, economist
- Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Education in Schools of Leftist Learning

Education in Schools of Leftist LearningMy first encounter with the daunting public school education system was in a little town in the deep south where I applied to be a substitute. To my surprise, the principal of the local high school told me that they could not "take just anybody off the street," one had to have a teaching license to be a substitute, just having a degree would not suffice, it had to be in education.
- Thursday, August 20, 2020

Cancel Trump and The Great Reset of the Globe

Cancel Trump and The Great Reset of the Globe“The main obstacle to a stable and just world is the United States.” - George Soros A socialist once said, “never let a crisis go to waste,” and it seems that the Covid-19 pandemic has offered such an unprecedented crisis that the globalists will gladly utilize to finally eliminate the U.S. as the only roadblock left to implementing their one world government goals.
- Friday, August 14, 2020

U.N. Agenda 21 is Close to Full Implementation

U.N. Agenda 21 is Close to Full ImplementationWhen I first became aware of U.N. Agenda 21, two decades ago, I started reading everything I could find and the more I read, the deeper my searches took me – the large octopus using the environment as an excuse was stretching its tentacles far and wide across the globe. I could hardly believe it myself as I found long documents, conferences, videos of politicians, presidents, and famous people pushing this globalist agenda and passing executive orders to implement it by fiat at all levels of government.
- Thursday, August 6, 2020

Some Doctors are Tele-Pretending to Practice Medicine

Some Doctors are Tele-Pretending to Practice MedicineAmong the numerous negative consequences for the survivors of the Chinese Covid-19 epidemic is the change in the practice of medicine and the lack of care extended to the rest of the population that did not get infected but needed medical care for so many other ailments that went untreated during the forced lockdown at the state and local levels. The media kept lying to us every day how hospitals are overwhelmed with sick people yet thousands of nurses and doctors were furloughed, some were hired back, some weren’t, and others decided to retire instead of fighting the new twilight zone medical practice with all its CDC imposed infection controls and non-medical “social distancing,” arbitrarily set at 6 feet.
- Thursday, July 30, 2020

The 45 Goals of Communism W. Cleon Skousen Wrote About in 1958

The 45 Goals of Communism W. Cleon SkousenSixty-two years ago, W. Cleon Skousen published his book, “The Naked Communist.” At the time, few Americans probably thought that the goals of communism that shaped the Iron Curtain’s socialist countries ruled by the Communist Party and the Soviet satellite countries around the world would become the blueprint of our American society in 2020. In a mere 62 years we have achieved and implemented by various means 44 of the 45 goals of communism Skousen wrote about. (pp. 266-270, 2014 ed.) In a highly liberal state like Virginia, cars sport various bumper stickers in support of Marxism, progressivism, the proletariat’s air bumping fists, and Coexist with various religious symbols. The leftist message is contradictory as Marxists are atheists, but they seem to approve of the curious alliance between world communism and Islam, while rejecting Christianity. (Goal #1) Capitulation to peace and accepting nuclear disarmament while Iran is busy making their own nuclear weaponry promotes the leftist idea that destroying the U.S. capability to defend itself against the enemy is “moral strength.” (Goals #2 and #3) The ancient wisdom, Si vis pacem, para bellum, (If you want peace, prepare for war) is entirely rejected. Ardent lefties believe that only U.S. engages in “war mongering,” those who increase their nuclear arsenal are justified to do so.
- Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Forgotten Casualties of Covid-19: The Abandoned Resident in Nursing Homes

The Forgotten Casualties of Covid-19: The Abandoned Resident in Nursing HomesAs people fight each other in stores, public places, streets, and parks over the governments’ unconstitutional mandate for healthy people to wear masks in stifling heat, indoors, outdoors, in their own cars alone, or start fights with perfect strangers they insult for their selfishness that endangers their fragile health and existence in the air space they breathe, how dare they pollute the air that may kill them with a deadly virus, and snitch on perfect strangers on websites and to employers because their employees dare to wear the mask improperly below their noses or took it off to answer the phone in order to be heard by the other party on the line, a large group of a different kind of Covid-19 victims is being ignored – people in nursing homes.
- Friday, July 24, 2020

War on Cash and One World Currency

War on Cash and One World CurrencyMoney greases the wheels of exchange, and thus makes the whole economy more productive. The idea that everything should be cashless is problematic for so many reasons. Bartering is a good under certain circumstances and societies, but it relies on what Keynesian economists call a “double coincidence of wants,” making it less desirable than cash. Cash is easier because it is a convenient medium of exchange, sometimes free from government prying eyes, a unit of account for quoting prices, and a store of value as long as the trust in government is not eroded and inflation is low.
- Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Coming Coin Shortage

The Coming Coin ShortageAs if the global economic disaster caused by the Chinese Covid-19 viral pandemic was not bad enough, the looming global “coin shortage” and the “unknown pneumonia” (Covid-20?) in Kazakhstan are here. Why exactly do we have a coin shortage?
- Wednesday, July 22, 2020
